Abstract: Marriage/Nikah in Islam is highly religious social contracts legally binding a man
and a woman which bring rights and obligations to both parties and can only be successful
when these are mutually respectcd and cherished. Mariage is a sacred and important
institution that holds great significance in the lives of Muslims. It is considered a religious
duty and a moral safeguard. Both the groom and the bride are to concem the marriage as
their own free wills. The couple notes the significance invitation to witness their wedding is
evident from the fact that it provides a healthy environment for the maintenance of cordial
relation betwecn the spouses, relatives, friends, and the reciprocal love between them.
Accepting this invitation make the couple very happy to feel your presence on the best day
of their life.
INTRODUCTION:, And we created you
in Pairs (Quran 78:8). They are clothing
will take
of Allah,
for you and you are elothing for them
(Quran 2:187)
LOCATION: The location of the
wedding ceremony is at PSC Convention
Hall, Mirpur 13, Dhaka, Dhaka is very
popular for its traffic so start carly.
METHODOLOGY: The wedding event
place in the evening. In the name
the Most Beneficent and
we request the honor of your
presence at the wedding ceremony.
Table I: Details of the Evemt
Table Of The Evenet
Sabtu, 06 Januari 2024
11.00 WIB s/d 14.00 WIB
Kediaman Mempelai Wanita
CONCLUSION: With new dreams, new
hopes t achieve new horizons, and
trusting someone without magic carpet
ride, we are stepping into a new
beginning of married life. Thank you for
your encouragement, support, love, and
du'a. Your presence for the ceremony
will be appreciated.